Cardboard Corners
Cardboard corners are used to protect the product. Corners are one of the most widely used products for this purpose. Used to protect the product and optimize packing time. Hartopak offers an affordable range of cardboard edge guards to protect your products from damage during transport and storage.

Cardboard corners
Ltd. Hartopak, produces high quality reusable corners. This is an efficient choice because the cardboard corners ensure the stability of your product during transport, the sides make it easier to stack the packages in two rows and make savings in your warehouse.
100% recycled material
Our corner is an environmentally friendly packaging product
100% recyclable, made from recycled material and biodegradable glue
Opt for corners in natural or white. Advertise your brand on our corners, custom color, or logo.

Corners by your needs
We guarantee safety, your products will be stable and safe

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